Team Leaders

Why do we ask for your social ID?

Seasoned Partner Managers are elevated to leadership roles. Sharing their knowledge and experience to build a team of well-trained partner managers, benefitting all partners in turn.

ZaGenie Team Leaders

  • Who is this position for?

    Anyone over the age of 25. No technical skills required. A very good command of the English language is essential. Also, the ability to train and pass on knowledge effectively. Your role is to lead a small group of Partner Managers. Guiding and instilling a strong sense of client support. The Partner Managers in your team are a reflection of you, as an accomplished Partner Manager yourself. Team Leaders are instrumental in the overall success of our company.

  • What will you be doing?

    Your team consists of up to ten Partner Managers. You are responsible for their training and efficiency. Showing them the way to professional excellence. Providing support and making sure that nothing slips through the cracks. Ultimately, you are responsible for your Partner Managers, and ultimately the satisfaction of our Partners, in turn.

  • Where is the place of work?

    We are primarily remote. That means you can work from anywhere, as long as you have good access to the ‘Net. There are offices planned for Cape Town; South Africa, Shoreham; England, Turin, and Venice; Italy. Should you be nearby, there will always be a hotdesk for you. These cities are also the geographic venues, where we meet from time to time, keeping human interaction alive. Use the offices, as and when needed. Good coffee, always brewing.

  • When can you get involved?

    That’s up to you. We are never in a rush to fill a vacancy. The positions are taken up, when the right person comes along. That journey begins, when you submit your application. You WILL receive a reply, explaining everything we do. Yes, there are a few tasks to perform, but the lesser of two evils. The other is to just sit and wait for a reply that never comes. We respect your time and effort to apply, and we reciprocate with an opportunity for you to prove your work ethic. Suave charisma is secondary to actual results. The success of your application depends on you.

  • Why we don’t need your CV?

    Undoubtedly, you have a fabulous résumé. However, it serves a lesser purpose here. We’re only interested in what we can do, together, going forward. As we have a non-standard approach, servicing unique initiatives, the primary question is, do you fit in? To that end, we give you a worksheet to complete, at your own pace and convenience.  Once completed, it will help you understand what we do, how we do it, and what’s in it for you. It’s all hands on.

  • How much money will I earn?

    The monthly basic contractor rate is £7000.
    Free memberships for all initiatives = £1400.
    Total package is £8400 per calendar month.
    Additional 20% commissions can be earned.
    Gross paid to you. No deductions taken at all.

    Work schedule:
    – There are no fixed working hours. You are in control.
    – A good team leader is always there for his/her team.

    Important to note:
    This is a contractor/freelance position, online only.
    – Use your own connection, laptop and/or desktop.
    – You are responsible for all your local income taxes.
    – Contracts are mutually revised, every three months.

    Payment process flow:
    – Your shifts & times worked, are automatically logged online.
    – At the end of the month, you submit an invoice (FreshBooks).
    – Everyone is paid electronically via N26, Revolut, and/or Wise.

Team Leaders need to be familiar with:


Application Process

Please complete and submit this form. Then check your inbox.



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